No Poison Ever

Hours of Operation
9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday

Pest Control Services & More

Keep your landscape at its healthiest. Depend on Sound Solutions OPM for an impressive variety of pest control services.

Supplemental Services

Beneficial Nematodes — Natural Control for Root Weevil
Beneficial Insects — To Fit the Specific Situation
Monitoring Traps — Sticky Traps, Bands, & Lures
Laboratory Testing — For Soil & Plants
Kaolin Clay Sprays — For Fruit Pests
Natural Driveway Weed Control
Organic Soil Building Treatments
Mycorrhizal Soil Injections/Stress Feeding

Supplemental Spray Programs for Fruits

This spray program involves three spray treatments in the spring, including a regular spring visit plus two extra visits to create a:

1. Bud
2. Bloom
3. Petal Fall, Sequence (Weather Permitting)

Kaolin Clay Sprays for Cherry Bark Tortrix

We are suggesting to cherry owners a supplemental program to target the Cherry Bark Tortrix. And extra Fall and Spring Kaolin Clay spray of the truck plus a parasitic wasp release. The clay creates a residue barrier that prevents insects from entering the tree.

The parasitic wasp is applied during our supplemental visits. We hand a card with wasp eggs near your tree. The card is black and the size of an address label,  which makes it hard to see. They hatch within days and start looking for food, which is the Cherry Bark Tortrix.

We have been targeting cherry trees with deep root feeding, too boost the tree's general health and help to combat the pests. 


Sound Solutions has a specific Dogwood treatment program that consists of a sequence of three sprays in the Spring. 
 In addition, supplement spraying is available throughout the year during wet seasons. Special fertilization is also offered.