No Poison Ever

Hours of Operation
9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday

About Sound Solutions OPM

Believes in a sound, environmentally sensible approach to solving pest problems in your landscape and are committed to customer satisfaction and service. We appreciate and respect your choice of landscaping in a safe and environmentally sound way.  

Putting Our Community First

We're also known for investing in our local environment and staying active in our community. A percentage of all our profits goes towards the preservation, maintenance, and legal defense of Thornton Creek and its surrounding environment. Like all urban creeks, this creek contains immense pesticide-polluted sediments and is under constant threat of overdevelopment.

Inspections & Treatment Visits

There are 5 evenly spaced visits per year and a yearly feeding visit. The components of the visits are as follows:

  • Identification — Walkthrough by a knowledgeable specialist.
  • Monitoring — Your yard is monitored and a permanent record is kept.
  • Injury Level Assessment — To determine the harm level of the affected plant.
  • Action Level — To establish the best and most effective plan of action.
  • Treatment — Only after all other components are met.
  • Documentation & Recommendations — For your records.
  • Evaluation/Follow-Up — Completed during subsequent check-up visits.